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成語英譯-查閱採用中文成語筆劃 (5劃)

以身作則  to practice what one practice.

以毒攻毒 / 以子之矛, 攻子之盾  to set a thief to catch a thief

以其人之道還治其人之身  Set a thief to catch a thief / to turn a person's battery against himself 

以怨報德  to bite the hand that feeds one

以德報怨  to render / retern good for evil 

以逸待勞  to wait at ease till the enemy is exhausted.

以寡敵眾  to fight against longer odds

以柔克剛  Willows are weak yet they bind other wood / soft and fair goes far.

以和為貴  A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.

以卵擊石  Be threw a straw against the wind.

四大皆空  All is vanity.

四海之內皆兄弟  All are brothers within the four seas.

四面八方  Coming from in all directions / far and wide; there and everywhere; length and breadth.

四海為家  A person who is here today and gone tomorrow.

未雨綢繆  to save against a rainy day

目不識丁  not know A from B

失敗為成功之母  Failure is the mother of success.

失之毫釐,差之千里  A miss is as good as a mile.

只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針  Little strokes fell great oaks.

打落水狗  to hit a person when he's dow.

打鐵趁熱  Strike while the iron is hot / make hay while the sun is shining

打抱不平  Take up the cudgel for someone.

打草驚蛇  Wake a sleeping dog / lion / woof.

犯錯是人之常情,寬恕是超凡的 To err is human; to forgive divine.

白費唇舌  to waste your breath on him.

生於憂患, 死於安樂  Adversity spurs vitality, while comfort breeds sloth.

永垂不朽  Be always remembered and eternally immortal.

平白無故  Take something without rhyme the reason / without provocation.

平分秋色  He is one equal terms with her.

平步青雲  Beat the top of the ladder / come to the top over night / hit the jackpot, skyrocket to fame.

平易近人  Person easy to get along.

功敗垂成  A slip between cup and the lip.

可歌可泣  His sacrifice for the country set us in a melting mood.

本末倒置  Don't put the cart before the horse.

甘拜下風  He would rather play second fiddle.

甘之如飴  He lived a plain life and smacked his lips.

半斤八兩  John is no better than Peter.  They are just Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

半信半疑  Take it half in doubt / take with a grain of salt.

石沉大海  Sank into oblivion.

左右逢缘  Everything goes well with him.

目瞪口呆  Tongue-tied / lose one's tongue / struck dumb / stunned and speedchless.

目光如豆  Person who sees no further than his nose.

出爾反爾  He often go back on his word / blow hot and cold.

出人頭地  He finally came to the fore.

出類拔萃  In a class by itself / out of the common run.

史無前例  Without precedent in history.

令人髮指  Making one's hair stand on end.

令人咋舌  Taken my breath away.

付之一炬  Committed to the flames.

生龍活虎  Nessie say it is alive and kicking under different names of by Sussy.

仗勢欺人  Pulling rank on others.

白手起家  Starting from scratch.

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