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成語英譯-查閱採用中文成語筆劃 (4 劃)

不告而別  to take French leave.

不要不自量力   Don't put a quarter into a pint pot.

不要厚此薄彼  Don't make fish of one and flesh of another.

不畏艱難  Take the bull by the horns.

不戰而屈人之兵  The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.

不入虎穴焉得虎子  How can one obtain tiger-cubs without entering the tiger's lair.

不經一事,不長一智  Experience is the mother of wisdom.

不勝其煩  A pain in the neck.

不厭其煩  The teacher often takes the trouble to instruct his pupils.

不可一世  As proud as a peacock.

不可救藥  His deep-rooted bad habits are simply beyond remedy

少年老成  to have an old head on young shoulders

不屈不撓  Man has failed several times, still keeps his chin up.

不知死活  Man asks for trouble.

不知好歹  Don't know chalk from cheese.

不恥下問  To improve your studies, you got to be not above asking questions.

不假思索  He is good at speech.  He often speaks impromptu.

不偏不倚  Man should believe that the judge held the scales even.

不速之客  A thick-skinned and gate-crasher.

不義之財  Don't be envious.  Ill-gotten money comes easily and goes easily too.

不謀而合  Do you see eye to eye with him on that plan?   

不擇手段  He just did the work by hook or by crook.

不翼而飛  Vanished from sight.

不識抬舉  Bring a cow to the hall and she will run to the byre. (Give him enough rope and hang him self).

少年老成  To have a old head on a young shoulders.

少不更事  Although she is 20, she was still wet behind the ears in some ways.

天無絕人之路  God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb / When one door shuts another opens.

天下烏鴉一般黑  Crows are black all over the world. 

天助自助者  Heaven helps those who help themselves.

天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福   It is the unexpected that always happens.

天衣無縫  These two ideas just fit like a glove.

天涯海角  I'll find him to the ends of the earth.

天經地義  It's a matter of course to respect our elders. (A universal truth; it goes without saying that...)

毛遂自薦  to recommend one's own person.

心甘情願  He did all this of his own accord.

心正不怕雷打  A good conscience is a soft pillow. 

心不在焉  Looking absent-minded.

心滿意足  As happy as a clam.

心力充瘁  Man burned the candle at both ends.

心灰意冷  Man was in black despair / lose heart.

心有餘悸  A burned child dreads the fires. (Once bitten, twice shy)

心安理得  A peace of mind / an easy conscience

心血來潮  Doing it on the impulse of the moment.

心花怒放  My heart sings with joy.

心直口快  Frank and outspoken.

心猿意馬  He often carry fire in one hand and water in the other.

心曠神怡  Standing here feel on top of the world.

化干戈為玉帛  Bury the tomahawk(hatchet).

仁者無敵  The benevolent have no enemy.

今日事今日畢  Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.

文勝於武  The pen is mightier than the sword.

文不對題  His composition is wide of the mark. (beside the point)

六親不認  As to the business, he often cuts loose from old ties. (turn one's back to one's flesh and blood)

火上加油  pour oil on the flame.

支離破碎  So seriously damage that it was torn to pieces (in shreds; rip apart)

匹夫之勇  Courage without discipline.  (brute courage)

比比皆是  It can be found here and there and everywhere (right and left).

切膚之痛  No one knows where the shoe pinches like the wearer.

夫唱婦随  A good Jack makes a good Jill.

引狼入室  Set a fox to keep the geese if taken fox for a good friend.

引以為榮  Plume/pride oneself on / take pride in.

日薄西山  Not to be long for this world; the sands are running out.

水乳交融  Be figure and glove with each other.

水性楊花  Unstable as water / as changeable as the moon / a woman's mind and winter wind change off.

水深火熱  The rebels were in deep water and oppressed every day.

水落石出  Be brought to light / come out in the wash / be out truth lies at the bottom of a well.

分文不值  Not worth a dime.

分身乏術  Can't be in two places at once.

分秒必爭  Every minute counts.

分道揚鑣  Gone separate ways / part company.

化險為夷  Weather the storm / escape / go / get off scot-free / bear a charmed life.

斤斤計較  Don't strain a gnat / look at both sides of a penny / skin a flint.

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